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Performer Application

We appreciate your desire to participate!


Please Note: Palm Springs Pride will be focusing primarily on local talent and does not cover travel expenses and/or accommodations expenses for the festival. We receive many applications and inquiries, and we are unable to accept any by walk-in, email, or phone. Unfortunately, due to many submissions, we cannot accommodate every artist who applies. 


Greater Palm Springs Pride invites requests from musicians and performing artists interested in appearing at this year’s Pride Celebration.


Multiple live performance stages and dance venues!

Click Here for Online Application


Palm Springs Pride November 6-9, 2025

Official Pride Events include:

  • Nov 6 Day of the Queen party on Arenas Rd 6 pm - 10:30 pm

  • Arenas Rd Block Party, Downtown Palm Springs, Nov 7, 2025. 6 pm-11:00 pm (live DJs) 

  • Pride Festival in Downtown Palm Springs, November 7, 8, 9, 2025 (multiple stages and dance venues in downtown Palm Springs and the Arenas District)

    • Saturday 11 am-10:00 pm

    • Sunday 11 am-4:30 pm

Performers of all genres and cultures are encouraged to contact Palm Springs Pride to be featured in our equal rights celebration, including bands, solo musicians, comedians, dance troupes, and more.


We appreciate your desire to participate!


The festival will showcase artists in multiple performance venues featuring rock, pop, R&B, hip-hop, folk, gospel, country, and cultural performances. The festival offers unequaled opportunities for artists to promote their talents and performances in the Coachella Valley.

  • Merchandise tables will be available for each band/artist to sell materials at the Festival's Main Stage.

  • All venues are outdoors.

  • A limited Backline is provided at some stages.

Participation is on a Volunteer Basis.  Please note - Pride is a community fundraiser, and the performers have no financial compensation. Please don’t apply if this is an issue for you.

If you would like to volunteer to perform and support diversity and equal rights in Coachella Valley, please complete and submit the entertainment application below.


Our Entertainment Committee is a volunteer committee, and we do our best to support your interest in Pride.


Thank you for supporting Pride in the desert!


Thank you for reaching out to Palm Springs Pride!

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